Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dietary Guidelines for Everyone

Dietary Guidelines for Everyone

This is a general guideline that everyone can follow and is not intended for individuals that need a more customized diet plan such as diabetes, cancer, or food allergies. Following this guideline shouldn't feel like a restriction from enjoying life. It's okay to have a soda every once in a while and when you do, don't feel guilty about it. Enjoy it. In the beginning, following this guide will be challenging. You're retraining your brain and your body and this can be difficult. However, gradually over time once the body adjusts, you'll no longer crave the unhealthy foods, you will shed weight, and your body will actually prefer to eat this way. If you don't believe me, find out and see for yourself!

Foods to avoid: 
Sodas, Carbonated Drinks, Fried Foods, Fast Food, Desserts, Ice Cream, Cheesecake, Donuts, Pizzas, Hot Dogs, Cereals, Chips, Candy, Anything Labeled Sugar-Free, Gatorade, Any Energy Drinks, Dairy Products, Mayonnaise, Foods containing MSG, Foods high in sodium, and Trans Fats.

Sugar Free” Foods To Avoid: (aspartame, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, saccharin, etc) - Diet Sodas, Energy Drinks, Sugar-Free Protein Bars and Supplements, Sugar Free Gum, Anything containing the above sweetener.

Dairy Products to avoid: Milk, Cheese, Ice Cream, Cottage Cheese, and Mayonnaise.

Foods to eat less of but okay in moderation:
Breads, Red Meat, Alcohol, Yogurt, Snacks with minimal processing, and Juices

Foods to eat More of:
Almonds, Fish, Organic Chicken Breast, Organic Fruits, Organic Green or Leafy Vegetables (Kale, Spinach, Broccoli,), Omega 3 Fish Oil, Foods High in Unsaturated Fats, Foods High in Fiber, Brown Rice, Quinoa, Black Beans, Kidney Beans, Lentils, and Hemp or Chia Seeds.

Foods high in fiber - (Kidney Beans, Lentils, Artichokes, Green Peas, Raspberries, Pears)

Transitioning Period:
To ease the transition of your diet change you can start by slowly substituting sodas with juices or Doritos with Kettle baked chips. That way, you can allow the body to slowly change its habits without fully sacrificing your guilty pleasures. The following are ways in which you can do this.

Foods to substitute: Almond Milk for Milk, Almond Butter for Peanut Butter, Brown Rice for White Rice, Gluten Free Bread for White Bread, Black Beans for Pinto beans, Organic Juices for Soda, Water for Organic Juices, Baked chips for Regular chips, Avocado for Mayonnaise, Organic Snacks for Regular Snacks, and Organic Fruits for Desserts.

When Eating out at Restaurants: Always ask for sauces and dressings on the side. This way you can use lighter amounts of dressing. Choose foods that are low in sodium, foods that are not marinated or drenched in sauces, foods that are not fried, substitute french fries for steamed vegetables and always skip dessert.

Eating Habits:

In addition to choosing the right foods, it is extremely important to have healthy eating habits. This is greatly overlooked in our society and is a huge reason why people suffer from illnesses. Here are some guidelines to adhere to:
·        Eat meals at the same time every day
·        Do not skip breakfast.
·        Eat a full breakfast. Don't just have a piece of fruit. Ex: (toast, eggs, spinach) (fruits, boiled egg)
·        Do not eat 3-4 hours before going to bed. 
·        Try to eat dinner no later than 7pm and no snacking after.
·        Eat slowly and chew as much as you can before swallowing
·        Do not think about work or a stressful situation while eating
·        Drink water - half of your body weight in ounces daily

·        Go for a walk after a heavy meal.